Digital Designer
近年来,Digital Art在视觉艺术和设计趋势中,逐渐成为越来越重要的组成部分。无论是动态图形、3D视觉或是算法生成艺术,都是数字化前瞻性的视觉表达手法。在团队里,数字媒体设计师将通过丰富的表现形式和实验性的视觉手段使项目更加饱满完整。我们期待你的加入!
Your Role
In recent years, Digital Art has gradually become an increasingly important part of visual art and design trends. Motion graphics, 3D vision, or algorithmically generated art are all digital forward-looking visual expressions. In the team, digital media designers will enrich the project through rich representation and experimental visual means. We look forward to your joining!
独立完成项目调研与分析,准确理解客户的创意需求; 提出自己的视角和观点,充分与团队沟通与讨论; 以出色的执行能力,配合团队完成并交付项目
Your Responsibility
Complete project research and analysis independently, and accurately understand the creative needs of customers; Put forward your own perspectives and opinions, and fully communicate and discuss with the team; With excellent execution ability, cooperate with the team to complete and deliver the project
2年及以上工作经验; (我们以作品集为主要评价标准,若作品水平优秀,工作时间则不会作为评价侧重点); 熟练的AE、C4D或者编程软件的使用技能; 有动画背景者优先; 额外掌握Zbrush/Rhino/Blender/Unity/Processing能力者优先; 加分项:对事物的好奇心以及不分知识领域的独特视野
2 years and above work experience; (We take the portfolio as the main evaluation standard. If the work is of excellent quality, the working time will not be the focus of the evaluation); Proficient in the use of AE, C4D, or programming software; Those with animated backgrounds are preferred; Additional mastery of Zbrush/Rhino/Blender/Unity/Processing capabilities is preferred; Bonus: Curiosity about things and a unique perspective regardless of the field of knowledge
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