提雅学院Theia Academy
Become the light
Brand Identity
Design Strategy
The Theia Academy is a cutting-edge high school under the umbrella of the Jianhua Enterprise. The academy offers an exclusive four-year education program to eligible students and aims to build an innovative curriculum and cultivate students with the spirit of “Become the Light” in hopes of guiding them to become persons of integrity, independence, and compassion. As Light lays at the heart of Theia Academy’s value system, we drew inspiration from the brilliant dispersion of sunlight to create their dynamic visual identity.
做有光的人 Become the light
In the open book, the projected light, we hope to represent every individual with this simple metaphor, warm ourselves and shine on others. The seven primary colors are integrated into the dynamic logo. The identity system expresses simply and directly conveyed to everyone.
Variable color Flexible typography
Design, as one part of the school curriculum, makes students understand the school's brand concept through practice, which is a good experience. We deliver a complete but variable design system to the students, enabling them to independently complete designs such as event posters, brochure covers, etc. within certain constraints.
The Theia lives
Published in 2019
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