非物质 / 再物质Immaterial / Re-material
A brief history of computing art
Visual Identity
Editorial Design
The exhibition "Immaterial / Re-material: A brief history of computer art" examines the artistic practice of artists using the computer technology from 1960s till now, and presents how pioneers and new-generation artists in this field have gone from "immaterial" to "re-material" by different paths. The exhibition aims at expressing the computer's creative potential uniqueness which lies in the multiple values of the technology that programming is not only a technology but also a language.
The Transformation
The catalog design has been carried out around the philosophical proposition of the exhibition "the transformation between immaterial and re-material" and the technical basis of computer art "programming language."
计算机编程语言被应用于展览网站与图录设计 The catalog & Programming language
Immaterial and Re-material
As stated in the exhibition introduction: "the exhibition is not a negation of the material itself, but discusses how the creativity of computer algorithms can be materialized again."
Published in 2020
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