近 入想象
Approaching the imagination
Visual Identity
3D Motion
2021年4月,坚果投影为全新产品O1和O1 pro举行线下发布会,我们基于“近 入想象”的主题,为品牌设计线上线下活动主视觉。
In April 2021, JMGO held a press conference for the new products O1 and O1 pro. Based on the theme of "Approaching the imagination", we designed the visual identity and campaign for the press conference.
O to Wonder
“O to Wonder,一键开启精彩世界”是视觉概念的出发原点,由“O”的形态逐渐有机演变飘动成片,放射组合成向上绽放的趋势形态。
"O to wonder, switch on a wonderful world" was the inspiration for the visual concept. The form of "O" gradually evolved organically, floated into pieces, and radiated and combined into an upward blooming trend form.
We hope that the vision can abstract the process of "switching on a wonderful world" and echo with the experience brought by product O1 to users.
Published in 2021
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